Current projects
1. Lead Investigator: International students creating comedy to foster wellbeing (Creativity and Wellbeing Research Initiative)
2. Lead Investigator: Investigating the role of drama in the creation of enabling, supportive, dialogical spaces for learning in different teaching and geographical location (The University of Melbourne and The University and Newcastle)
3. Chief Investigator: Assessing the impact of the Master of Teaching Program: Creating Classroom Ready Teachers (MGSE)
4. Chief Investigator: The Art of Engagement: Creating partnerships for transition to University of Melbourne through participating senior secondary school students in the MGSE Arts Breadth program (MGSE)
5. Chief Investigator and ethnodramatist: Student Theatre at The University of Melbourne from 2000 onwards (working title) (UoM Theatre Board)
6. Investigator: The Othello Theatre in Education Project - Fostering creativity and wellbeing in the face of high levels of violence against women (Creativity and Wellbeing Research Initiative)